The First Phase Launched to Gather Views and Suggestions for the “National Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2025-2029”

The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption has already started gathering views and suggestions to formulate the “National Anti-Corruption Action Plan- 2025-2029” to combat bribery and corruption in Sri Lanka.

The duration of the existing National Action Plan for Combatting Bribery or Corruption in Sri Lanka will end in December 2025. Thus, the Commission has taken action to review the existing Plan and formulate a new National Action Plan. The Anti-Corruption Act. No. 9 of 2023 has vested powers to the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption to strengthen the mechanism for combatting bribery and Corruption in Sri Lanka, including implementing and monitoring the anti-corruption policies. In terms of the said powers and as stipulated in the Cabinet-approved National Anti-Corruption Framework, the Commission has decided to formulate the “National Anti-Corruption Action Plan for Combatting Bribery and Corruption for 2025-2029” and to call for views and suggestions from the general public to develop the Action Plan.

Accordingly, the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption has taken steps to conduct a series of programmes at the national level and provincial level to gather views and suggestions from the general public, including public sector, private sector, civil organizations, mass media, community-based organizations, elected representatives, youth, children and religious organizations. The first programme was launched on 01st August in North-Western Province. Programmes were conducted also in Central and Northern Provinces, and arrangements are in place to cover the other provinces.