A Police Constable attached to Theldeniya Division Crime Investigation Unit who solicited and accepted a bribe of Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand) and a Sergeant aided it were arrested on allegations of Bribery

On a complaint received by the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery and Corruption, Investigation Officers of the Commission arrested a Police Constable and a Police Sergeant attached to Teldeniya Division Crime Investigation Unit on 22.08.2023 for allegations of soliciting and accepting a bribe.
The suspects have demanded Rs. 10,000 from the complainant in order to abstain from taking legal action against him for the offense of transporting illicit liquor, kasippu in his three-wheeler, and to allow him sell kasippu without any disturbance thereafter. The suspects have initially taken Rs. 5,000/- from the complainant and was arrested in front of Dhana Nandana Timer Mill, Digana while accepting the remaining Rs. 5,000/-.