A District Manager and a Management Assistant of the Central Province Passenger Transport Service Authority arrested on allegations of accepting a bribe of Rs. 30,000/-

Based on a complaint made by a driver/bus owner in Labukele, Investigation Officers of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery and Corruption arrested two officers serving at the Nuwara Eliya District Office of the Central Province Passenger Transport Service Authority at around 10.10 a.m. on 2024.02.2024. The arrest was made inside the office on allegations of accepting a bribe of Rs. 30,000/-.

The charge against the first suspect, the Management Assistant, is accepting the bribe of Rs. 30,000. It was solicited to transfer the route permit of the bus which the complainant bought, to his name and make the necessary arrangements to change the bus category in order to pay a lesser government fee and to issue the letter to the relevant financial institution. Aiding and abetting the act is also a charge against him. Soliciting and accepting the said amount through the first suspect is the charge against the second suspect, the District Manager.