A Police Sergeant of Wan-Ela Police Station arrested on charges of soliciting and accepting Rs. 5,000/- as a bribe

Based on a complaint lodged by a resident in Kinniya, Investigation Officers of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption arrested a Sergeant of Wan-Ela Police Station at 7.21 p.m. on 17.07.2024. According to the complainant, the Sergeant has taken the complainant’s motor bicycle, which he had parked in front of his sister’s place, to the Police Station without informing him and has stated that the motor bicycle is to be produced to the court. The suspect has then solicited Rs. 5,000/- to halt such action and release the bike and has taken the complainant’s documents into custody until the solicited bribe is offered. The suspect was arrested at the X-junction near the transformer along Wan-Ela Ayiladi-Wattamadu road on charges of soliciting and accepting Rs. 5,000/- as a bribe.