Two Ticket Checkers and a Clerk of Sri Lanka Transport Board, Kandy arrested for a bribe of Rs.8,000/-.

The above suspects in order to check the bus tickets have entered the bus bearing No. NB 8869 which the complainant Bus Conductor was in duty on 23.10.2019 at Ulapane area. During this raid the suspects have identified some passenger who were not given bus tickets by the Conductor. Therefore, the three suspects have demanded a bribe of Rs.20, 000/- to refrain from taking legal actions against this omission of the Conductor and have obtained Rs.12, 000/- on the spot. Later, on 06.11.2019 when the three suspects visited the complainant Conductor to obtain the balance Rs.8, 000/- of the bribe were arrested by the officers of the CIABOC at the time of obtaining the bribe.