A Police Constable at Ilavalai Police Station was arrested on alleged soliciting and accepting a bribe of Rs.30,000/=

The Investigation Officers of CIABOC have arrested a  Police Constable at Ilavalai Police Station, Jaffna on alleged soliciting and accepting a bribe of Rs.30,000/= on 05.04.2022 in accordance with a complaint received by the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption.

A suspect had received bail after producing him before courts for the offence of keeping stolen goods in his possession. The relevant police officer has solicited Rs.50,000/= to abstain from naming him as a suspect and to present him as a government witness in upcoming hearings and later he has reduced the amount to Rs.30,000/= The suspected police officer was thus arrested at Karainagar Rd, Chulipuram junction when he had accepted Rs.30,000/=.