Two officers of Alawathugoda Agrarian Services Center were arrested for accepting a bribe of Rs. 100,000.00

On a complaint made by a person in Alawathugoda area, two officers of the Alawathugoda Agrarian Services Center were arrested on 05.06.2023 by the Investigation Officers of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption.

An Agriculture Research and Production Assistant and a Divisional Agrarian Development Officer of the Alawathugoda Agrarian Services Center were arrested inside Alawathugoda Agrarian Services Center while accepting the solicited bribe of Rs. 100,000.00 from the complainant, and this bribe was solicited for taking out the remaining portion of his paddy land in the Malgammana area, where he built his house a long time ago, from the paddy land list and issuing a land certificate for it naming it as a highland.