Two Revenue Inspectors arrested on allegations of soliciting and accepting Rs. 60,000/- as a bribe

Based on a complaint lodged by a female resident of Killinochchi, Investigation Officers of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption arrested two Revenue Inspectors of Karachchi Pradeshiya Sabha at 11.18 a.m. on 03.09.2024 for accepting Rs. 60,000/- as a bribe. The officers have told the complainant that her house was constructed without the approval of the Pradeshiya Sabha and, therefore, will be taking legal action or demolishing it after investigations. Stating so have solicited Rs. 350,000/- as a bribe to prevent such consequences after communicating the matter to the Technical Officer. The amount has been brought down to Rs. 100,000/ and then to Rs. 60,000/-. The suspects were arrested before the complainant’s house while accepting the bribe and are to be produced before the Killinochchi Magistrate’s Court.