The Investigation Officers of the Bribery Commission arrested a Land Officer and a Field Officer serving in the Divisional Secretariat of Pottuvil, for solicitation and acceptance of a bribe of Rs.150,000/- 

According to a complaint received by the Bribery Commission, the Investigation Officers of the CIABOC have arrested a Land Officer and a Field Officer serving in the DivisionalSecretariat Pottuvil, for solicitation and acceptance of a bribe of Rs.150,000/- on 16.07.2021.

A Land Officer and a Field Officer attached to the Divisional Secretariat of the Pottuvil had earlier solicited 3 lakhs of rupees in order to take necessary actions to grant the recommendation required for the sand mining permit on behalf of the complainant. Then the solicited amount had been decreased to 2 lakhs of rupees and as the first step Rs.50,000/- had been received by the Land Officer with the support of the Field Officer after meeting the complainant. Thereafter, those two suspects have been arrested on alleged solicitation and acceptance of the balance amount of Rs.150,000/- in order to rectify the imperfections in the two files given by the complainant.