Officer in Charge of Police Station, Wanathawilluwa was arrested for attempting to get a sexual bribe

The Investigation Officers of CIABOC have arrested a Chief Inspector of Police acted as the OIC of the police station, Wanathawilluwa on 28.10.2021 for attempting to get a sexual bribe  in accordance with a complaint received to the Bribery Commission.

The above suspect had solicited one lakh of rupees and a sexual bribe in order to provide relief for the complaints against the complainant, to provide ease for her by presenting  facts orally on behalf of the cases against  her , for which trials are being conducted at the Puttalam court and to take necessary actions to remove her divorced husband who is conducting a business in a building belongs to her from that place.  The suspect was thus arrested when he had attempted to get the sexual bribe at first.