A Land Officer was arrested for accepting a bribe of Rs.30,000/=

The Investigation Officers of CIABOC have arrested a land officer of Yaya 10,11,12 office assigned to Rajanganaya Divisional Secretariat on alleged soliciting and accepting a bribe of Rs. 30,000/= on 05.10.2022 in accordance with a complaint received to the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption.

The suspect had solicited Rs.50,000/= first and then reduced the said amount to Rs.30,000/= in order to  transfer the license of the land obtained in the name of the complainant's mother to the name of the complainant and her brother and for making the necessary arrangements to obtain a permanent road to the said land. The suspect was thus arrested when he had solicited and accepted Rs.30,000/= as a bribe at the colony office in Yaya 12.