Returning the state-owned movable and immovabale property illegally kept for personal use

This Commission continuously receives complaints regarding persons who have not returned the movable and immovable property the Government had given them for use while they were holding positions or office of the Government.

On 06.08.2024, the Commission issued a letter to

  • Secretaries to Ministries,
  • Chief Secretaries of Provinces,
  • Heads of Local Government Institutions
  • Heads of Departments/District Secretaries,
  • Heads of All Statutory Boards

and informed that any person still using such movable and immovable property is responsible for returning them without delay, and required theresponsible officers to inquire about such property and ensure their return without delay.

The letter also highlights that failure to return relevant property is a punishable offence and draws special attention to Sections 41 and 111 and Schedule A and B of the Anti-Corruption Act, No. 9 of 2023. You can view a copy of the letter below.

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