Court of Appeal issues notice to respondents of the revision application the Commission filed against discharging the Chairman and Director General of the National Rupavahini Corporation

In 2022, the Bribery Commission filed indictments against Wimalasena Rubasinhe, former Chairman of the National Rupavahini Corporation and Delwakkada Liyanage Chandrapala, former Director General of the Corporation, for commissioning the act of corruption by offering the National Rupahaini Corporation transmission in the Middle East and European countries via satellite technology to“Nova Vission Satellite”, an Italy-based company, without following the procurement procedure or signing a legal Agreement and thereby causing a loss of Rs. 3,454,279.37 to the government.

The Colombo High Court discharged the respondents of the above case on 05.01.2024 after considering a preliminary objection raised on their behalf.

The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption filed a Revision Application on 05.08.2024 challenging the High Court judgement. The Court of Appeal took the Revision Application for hearing on 07.08.2024 and after taking the facts submitted by the Commission into consideration, decided to issue notice to respondents. Mrs. Anusha Sammandapperuma – Assistant Director (Legal) and Gaya Rajapaksha (Legal Assistant) appeared on behalf of the Commission.

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