One-day training on Preventing Bribery and Corruption - for officers of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority, Colombo

The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption conducted a one-day training programme on preventing corruption for 50 officers of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority, Colombo. It was held at the Authority premises on 02.04.2024, and a team comprising of Mrs. Ama Wijesinghe (Asst. Director-Legal), Mrs. Madhuka Ruwanthi Upali (Prevention Officer) and Ms. Eranga Madhushi (Prevention Officer) of the CIABOC provided resource contribution. The programme covered areas such as the harmfulness of bribery and corruption, preventing bribery and corruption and issues they have in that regard, concepts of integrity, and the New Anti-Corruption Act.

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