One-day training programme on preventing bribery and corruption for officers of the Department of Prisons - as a component of the Capacity Building Programme

The Department of Prisons conducted a series of capacity building programmes for Prison Guards who received Prison Guard training in 99,100, & 101 batches. The one-day training on preventing bribery and corruption was conducted on 08th May as a component of this capacity building programme and was held at the Prison Department’s new training center in Angunukolapelessa.

The officers were made aware of the concept of “Integrity”, the New Anti-Corruption Act and new legal provisions in relation to bribery, corruption and unlawful acquisition of assets, and on issues they have in that regard. Mr. U. P. Wickramarachchi -IP of the Commission and Mrs. J. L. A. Udeshika (Prevention Officer) provided the resource contribution. Mr. Pradeep Amarajeewa – Investigation Officer- provided the technical assistance.

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