Sri Lanka CIABOC Delegation Meets with World Bank Representative at UNODC-UNCAC Sessions in Vienna

The Sri Lankan delegation from the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) attended the UNODC-UNCAC Sessions at the Vienna International Centre. On the 4th of September, the delegation met with Laura Pop, Senior Financial Sector Specialist from the World Bank, to discuss CIABOC’s recent developments and future initiatives.

During this meeting, Justice Neil Iddawala, Chairman of CIABOC, briefed the World Bank representative on key developments at the Commission, including significant steps taken towards restructuring CIABOC and the establishment of a Centralized System for Declaration of Assets and Liabilities. The Chairman highlighted the proactive measures aimed at enhancing the Commission’s efficiency and effectiveness in combating corruption in Sri Lanka. Additionally, challenges and barriers facing the Commission were discussed, particularly those related to operational shortcomings that hinder progress.

Joining Chairman Justice Iddawala at the meeting were Deputy Director General Ganga Heiyanthuduwa and Assistant Director General Disna Gurusinghe, both of whom contributed to the discussion.

Ms. Pop expressed her positive outlook on CIABOC’s future activities and assured the delegation of the World Bank’s continued support and cooperation in their efforts to uphold transparency and integrity in Sri Lanka.

This meeting marks a significant step forward in CIABOC’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its institutional capacity and collaborate with international partners for the promotion of good governance and anti-corruption initiatives.

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